
Friday, September 27, 2013


Whew! It has been an ordeal finishing up the sun room/office, but it is finally done.  (Can I claim that even though I still need to find the perfect rug for the sitting area and paint the side table by the rocker?). I'm only finished because it's fall and I didn't have to settle on an accent color for the room.  From now until November 30, the accent will be fall colors.  In December I'll be decorating for Christmas, so I won't have to address it then either (red and green all the way, baby!).  However, eventually January will arrive and it will be decision-making time.

Have I told you how thrilled I am with my new flooring in the sun room?  I love it so much that I have talked my hubby into continuing it into our master bedroom which is right off the sun room.  That project that will be addressed in October.  However, since I love the wall color in the bedroom and all the decor is already in place, it will be a much easier transition.

The sun room/office is a large room so I was able to create a sitting area at one end of the room
(a great place to relax and read or listen to music) and my office at the other end.  The office is far enough away to ignore when I'm not working.

I have cubbies for all my stuff on an inside wall.
My new motto is a "place for everything and every-thing in it's place!"  The cubbies work great for this, with the addition of photo boxes and fabric bins for storage (all carefully labeled, of course!). 

I'm very pleased with the way the faux Roman shades turned out.  They were an easy and affordable way to go.  Although mine are sewn, they could easily be made without a sewing machine, using fabric tape or a glue gun.  There are numerous tutorials on Pinterest showing how to make them.  I went online and found my decorator fabric for only $5.00 a yard.  You may have to spend some time searching for exactly what you want, but beautiful, affordable fabric is available.

A file cabinet, computer desk, chair and roll-top complete the office side of the room.

I'm especially happy with the empty frame collage I made above the piano.  That's a very high wall and needed something sizable to balance the room.  I was fortunate to be able to shop my storage area for all the frames you see.  Being able to do that meant this project was a "freebie".  I'm
considering going higher up the wall as I find additional, inexpensive, large frames at thrift stores.  What do you think?  Is less more?  Or should I go for it?

All the fall decorations in the room are things I already had on hand.  The pumpkin centerpiece is a foam pumpkin I sliced the top off of and added silk mums until it covered the opening I had cut.  Prior to adding the mums, I antiqued the pumpkin with a stain.  It's several years old now and still looks good.  There are a few nicks here and there, so before I put it away this year I may antique it again.  I actually think that the flaws add character and make the pumpkin look less fake and more realistic.

You may notice that I have added a monogram on the under $5.00 Goodwill lamp.  It's not perfect, but for my first attempt it's good enough!  Next time I'll actually measure instead of eye-balling the placement of the letters.  I selected the font on my computer, copied each letter individually, taped them inside the shade and used a black marker to copy the letters onto the outside of the shade.  It was really very easy to do and I know you will measure before doing yours, right?  Just sayin'.

I hope you have enjoyed our little visit.  Come back when you can stay longer and relax in my new sun room/office with a steaming cup!

Thanks for stopping by!

                                   ~Norma Jean~


  1. Your sunroom looks so clean and fresh. Your choice of color definitely helped you to have this stunning area. The gold frames blend well with the old piano and the white walls. The elderly will surely enjoy spending their time here! Fantastic job, Norma!

    Ryann Hoyer @ Yancey Company

    1. Thank you, Ryann, I appreciate hearing from you!
      Norma Jean

  2. Your roman shades are so sweet!

    1. Thank you, Mindy. I was not able to continue blogging, but do appreciate your kind comment.
