
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

BLOGGING 101. . .

This blogging thing. . .you know. . .it's not easy.  I had no idea how much was involved and what a commitment I was making for myself.  Right now I have a post about Springtime all ready to go, with some great projects. . . BUT. . .the projects I want to show you are not ready yet, because of inclement weather!  No.  Really!  It has rained every Saturday for the last two weeks.  My projects involve digging holes and pouring concrete.  Unfortunately, my primary hole digger/concrete pour- er  (who happens to only be available on weekends) refuses to dig and pour in the rain! Humph!  Can you just imagine that?  Dependable help is so-o-o-o hard to find these days.

Since I can't show you the completed projects, I thought I would give you a little sneak peek.  Are you ready?  Here goes:

Cobalt blue bottles. . . 

A little blossom bling. . .

An old rusted child's ice cream set. . .

Something purple this way comes. . .

Can you guess what?

Here's hoping you will check back in a few days to see the finished projects in all their pristine glory (well. . . at least in their appointed places)!

Thanks for stopping by. . .

                                                                              ~ Norma Jean~


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